Fino all’11 marzo 2024 è possibile votare per la Presidenza e il Comitato esecutivo di EBLIDA.
Pubblichiamo la lettera spedita da Giuseppe Vitiello a tutti i candidati al fine di creare trasparenza e conoscere le intenzioni e l’agenda dei candidati (l’allegato alla lettera, contenente l’elenco delle domande, è scaricabile qui).
Dear Candidate to the EBLIDA Presidency / EBLIDA Executive Committee,
Please let me introduce myself. My name is Giuseppe Vitiello, Senior Adviser, Europe, working for Rete delle Reti, an EBLIDA Full Member.
I would like to thank you for being a candidate to the EBLIDA Presidency / Executive Committee. For the first time in its history, the EBLIDA Presidency is open to contest; for the second time in its history, there are more candidates than seats available within the Executive Committee. EBLIDA has become an attractive organisation, an incubator of ideas and an interesting place where to operate. This is evidence of the excellent work carried out by the current Executive Committee and Rete delle Reti thanks all EC Members for this important achievement.
We are struck by the quality of the background of the candidates to the Presidency and to the Executive Committee and trust that their input to the EBLIDA work will be excellent. Unfortunately, the EBLIDA Constitution does not allow the EBLIDA Council Members to vote for 2 Presidents and 11 Executive Committee Members. As an EBLIDA Full Member including several EBLIDA Associate Members in its network, Rete delle Reti is fully aware that its vote may be influential in selecting one or another candidate.
For this reason, we would like to interview you on issues that Rete delle Reti considers strategic for the future of libraries in Europe, and therefore for the future of EBLIDA. You can express your views in writing or also you can release a video if it arranges you.
Since this procedure may be a service beneficial to all EBLIDA Council Members, I kindly ask you to let me know whether you wish to make your statements public or you wish to keep them confidential. Your statements made public would be determinant in enhancing the transparency of the EBLIDA voting process, which ends on 11th March; therefore, I kindly request to answer me as soon as possible if you wish that your views are shared with all EBLIDA Council Members.
Questions to the Candidates are in attachment. I have copied this email to the EBLIDA Secretariat but will also write to the EBLIDA Director to make sure that conversation between the EBLIDA Council Members and the EBLIDA candidates is further stimulated.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and for your answers.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Vitiello